Friday, February 12, 2010

Article: The Tea Party

Where does the Tea Party go from here?

In class two weeks ago, the Tea Party was mentioned. I’ve never heard of it and I had no idea what it was or what it did. Apparently the Tea Party is some kind of political party; it’s not exactly a political party. Some think it could be on its way of becoming a third party while others just see it as continuing on to a revolution in our country.

At the moment the Tea Party is more of a populist movement. There have been issues, issues with both parties, spending too much and taxing citizens too much as a result. This past weekend there was a convention that ended up being more of a conference for the Tea Party. The group was split and didn’t reach nearly as many people as it had the last time they had a big event on tax day last year. It was only 600 as opposed to 300,000. Numbers are dropping and the group is splitting about their take about Obama. There are some who hate him and attack him and they need to stop. They also need to focus they’re anger on fixing the issue they claim to be the problem, not bashing the man they are currently blaming for it. They need to come up with proposals to keep the movement going and to make changes happen. If not the Tea Party will cease to exist.

The Tea Party has made a huge surge and is the first to make a third party an actual possibility but it is losing power. It has the potential to cause another revolution in our nation and it is important for us as citizens to be aware of how the Tea Party could affect us.
The article is titled Analysis: Where does the Tea Party go from here? And can be found at CNN. Here’s a link to the article.

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